Herd Share Member Terms and Conditions

Twisted Oak Farm Herd Share Sale (Meat and Dairy) and Boarding Agreement

Twisted Oak Farm (“Seller”) and Herd Share Member (“Buyer”) agree as follows:

    Seller agrees to a number of share(s) of the meat and/or dairy cow herd to Buyer at a cost outlined in Section 14 – Cost to Start. Buyer may relinquish their share of the herd back to the Seller by giving Seller 30 day’s written notice of his/her intent. Seller retains ownership of all offspring from the meat and dairy herd.
    Seller agrees to provide care and boarding for Buyer’s cows on Seller’s farm for a cost per share. Care and boarding will include providing shelter, feed, water, and milking of cows daily and is included in the cost per share. For safety purposes, visitation of animals and farm is allowed only when facility operator is present and at a prearranged time.
    Buyer and Seller agree to a 30-day trial period, after which either party may opt out of this contract for any reason by submitting written notice to the other party. If Seller or Buyer opts out, the Seller agrees to refund the $5 glass jar deposit per share or the Buyer can choose to keep the jar.
    Animal ownership comes with some risk. The Buyer is purchasing a share in the meat and dairy herd for the productive lifetime of the animals. The average production life of an animal is 2- 5 years of productive life. When each animal is no longer productive, the animal will be sold or butchered. Proceeds from the sale of the departed cow will be used to replace them with another meat or dairy cow of like value.
    A. Seller agrees to milk Buyer’s cows daily and collect and store the raw milk in the Buyer’s ½ gallon mason jars. The parties agree that Seller may combine Buyer’s milk with milk from all shareholders cows in one storage unit each day. Only fresh milk from that morning’s milking will be provided to Buyer on their scheduled pick-up day.
    B. Buyer will be entitled to approximately 1/2 gallon of raw milk per Dairy share per week from Seller, to be retrieved and transported by Buyer at Buyer’s expense. Buyer will retrieve milk at least one time per week on a pre-assigned day. Seller must approve of any changes made to this initially agreed upon pickup day.
    C. Buyer agrees to purchase ½ gallon mason jars with plastic lids for the uniform storage of milk. $5. Per jar and lid supplied by Seller. The Buyer assumes all responsibly for the cleaning, sanitizing, and returning the jars and lids to Seller for refilling. The jars will again be sanitized on the farm prior to use.
    D. The parties agree that because milk is a perishable product, should Buyer fail to retrieve his stored milk from Seller on the agreed day, Seller may, without notice to Buyer, dispose of the stored milk in any way Seller sees fit. Seller will hold for 2 days and if not retrieved by buyer on 2nd day, it will be available for other dairy product shareholders.
    A. Buyer warrants that all raw milk obtained by Buyer is for his own personal use only, and for no other purpose.
    B. Buyer agrees that Buyer is aware of any and all risks that may be associated with the use of raw milk and holds Seller harmless for any damages Buyer may incur by the use of raw milk. Buyer further agrees that Buyer will educate Buyer’s family members and any other persons drinking their milk of the risks associated with the use of raw milk, and releases Seller from any responsibility for education of Buyer’s family members or other persons.
    C. Seller will not be responsible for any incidental, consequential or special damages incurred as a result of the use of raw milk or which arise from the boarding of Buyer’s cows.
    Buyer and Seller agree that Seller will have a security interest in the form of a possessory lien on all cows boarded on Seller’s premises as security for any unpaid boarding fees or expenses which Buyer may incur.
    In the event that Buyer defaults on his obligation to pay herd share and boarding costs to Seller, Seller may, after giving Buyer notice of default, possess and sell any of Buyer’s shares stored by Seller to offset Buyer’s boarding obligation.
    Risk of loss concerning the cow sold under this Agreement will pass from Seller to Buyer upon the signing of this agreement.
    Seller will not be responsible for delays or failure to perform resulting from acts of God; acts of war or civil disturbance; epidemics; governmental action or inaction; fire; hurricane; earthquake; loss of electrical power, or communication; or other causes beyond Seller’s reasonable control.
  11. WAIVER
    A failure of Seller to enforce any of his rights under this boarding agreement will not constitute a waiver of those rights.
    This contract will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon.
    This agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and may be modified only by a writing signed by both the parties.
    A. Dairy Herd Share“1” share is sold at a weekly rate of $5.00 ($20/mo) + one-time $5.00 refundable glass deposit for ½ gallon of milk. “2” share is sold at a weekly rate of $10.00 ($40/mo) + one-time $10.00 refundable glass deposit for 1 gallon of milk. Multiple shares can be purchased or add-ons can be acquired on a one-time basis as needed. Dairy products are available and will be provided to shareholders for additional shares.
    B. Meat Herd Share are sold as live weight at the time of slaughter or cut weight after butcher (cost will vary depending on product). If you are interested in whole/half/or quarter shares, you can pre-order and we will provide you with an estimate month of slaughter. Meat herd shares are limited based upon the stock and quantity grown on the farm each year.
    More information can be found online in our Educational Resource page.